“Marut Sillapasoontorn” is my full name in Thai and I am known by “Matt” to the International world. Born in Hua-Hin, a beautiful, pristine beach town in Thailand, the exquisite destination has helped shaping my point of view towards life. I was very lucky to be raised by well-traveled grandmother and artistic father.

Grandma took me along to travel all over the country to experience cultures, colours and picturesque things. From north to south, east to west of Thailand, I captured those moment through abundant childhood memories. And that was the beginning of my photography. Then, my father bought me a small 35 mm film camera from the local market. It was a “Franka”. The small piece of fun that seemed so insignificant has changed my entire life. The camera father thought I would play it as a toy became my obsession. I gratefully admire the beauty of the nature, generosity of people and spectacular moment of the golden light. From the little 35 mm viewfinder, I, little by little, learnt how to capture all things around me.

I finished my Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Master’s degree in System Analytics and Software Engineering. Those focusses taught me to think and analyze everything logically. However, when I have a camera in my hands, it seems all that 1+1 = 2 are lost in time and my vision is fully covered with all the delightful and charming imagination. In order to transform those imaginations into real photograph, I needed good trainings. In 2005, I was very fortunate to get professional photography training from the Royal Photographic Society of Thailand and had a chance to work with the organization since then. In 2008, I opened my very first photography courses in Thailand. Taking photos and teaching are always my passions. Here are some awards in photographic competitions.

• LakSi Square Fashion Photography Competition.

• KTC Photography Competition.

• WACOM CANADA Competition.

After moving to the U.S. in 2010, I was invited to teach photography in prestige Bangkok University and several organizations such as HSBC, Bank of Ayudhya, Nikon (Thailand) Co., Ltd. as well as IBM Thailand Co., Ltd. Traveling across the Pacific Ocean several times per year for photography have fulfilled my artistic side. In 2014, my photography course has been launched online for the first time. It is rewarding to teach people to create, communicate and tell their stories without words but rather with pictures. Learning while teaching balance all the senses in photography. There will never be the end of the story. My journey continues every day through lens. And my ultimate purpose is that I get to share all of me to the world.